Original Google Team Members to Give Panel at MIT App Inventor Summit
As part of the 10 year anniversary MIT App Inventor Summit, we are glad to announce that members of the original Google team that built App Inventor will be joining us on August 1st for a panel reflecting on the initial conception and development at Google, the teams expectations for the platform, and how the project has grown. The panel will take place in the MIT Media Lab Multi-Purpose Room on August 1st from 9:15-10:00 am.
The panelists are:

Hal Abelson, Class of 1922 Professor of EECS, MIT
Professor Abelson is well known for his work in undergraduate computing education and is a co-author of the classic text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Press, 1985, 1996). He is a leader in the global movement for Open Educational Resources and a founding board member of the Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons.
Professor Abelson is well known for his work in undergraduate computing education and is a co-author of the classic text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Press, 1985, 1996). He is a leader in the global movement for Open Educational Resources and a founding board member of the Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons.

Mark Friedman, VP of Engineering, Thunkable
Mark is the V.P. of Engineering at Thunkable, a spinoff of the App Inventor project. Previously, Mark was at Google and led the original App Inventor project there. He has long-standing interests in making programming easier, in the democratization of technology and in the uses of technology in education.
Mark is the V.P. of Engineering at Thunkable, a spinoff of the App Inventor project. Previously, Mark was at Google and led the original App Inventor project there. He has long-standing interests in making programming easier, in the democratization of technology and in the uses of technology in education.

Liz Looney, Software Engineer, Google
Liz Looney is a software engineer at Google, where she helped develop App Inventor. She is currently the tech lead of the Science Journal for Android team. Liz is also a member of the Technology Team for the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics program. She has over 30 years of experience as a software engineer and holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from The University of New Hampshire.
Liz Looney is a software engineer at Google, where she helped develop App Inventor. She is currently the tech lead of the Science Journal for Android team. Liz is also a member of the Technology Team for the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics program. She has over 30 years of experience as a software engineer and holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from The University of New Hampshire.

Ellen Spertus, Kilgore-Snyder Professor of Computer Science, Mills College
Ellen Spertus is the Kilgore-Snyder Professor of Computer Science at Mills College in Oakland, California. She received her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from MIT and has worked as a research scientist and software engineer at Google and Microsoft. She was one of the creators of App Inventor and the original Hour of Code, among other open source projects. She has had a career-long interest in increasing diversity and inclusion in computer science and recently co-founded the annual conference Tech Intersections: Womxn of Color in Computing.
Ellen Spertus is the Kilgore-Snyder Professor of Computer Science at Mills College in Oakland, California. She received her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from MIT and has worked as a research scientist and software engineer at Google and Microsoft. She was one of the creators of App Inventor and the original Hour of Code, among other open source projects. She has had a career-long interest in increasing diversity and inclusion in computer science and recently co-founded the annual conference Tech Intersections: Womxn of Color in Computing.